quinta-feira, 18 de maio de 2017

What is "good luck", after all?

In English we say “good luck” or “bad luck”, but none of them exists properly. We have only luck and it depends on the cause and effect that can say whether it is good or bad. Simple as that!

Well, I’ll try to explain. Life is made of your choices which define what it is going to happen to you in the future. If you choose good things, you will reap good things as well. However, it is not only that.

According to Buddhism and Law of Attraction, our karma (or destiny) is defined through our thoughts, speaking and actions. In other words, if you have good thoughts, speak about only good things and are gentle with other people, you will reap only good things, but the opposite is also true.

That’s why I said in another post that everything is work, dedication and a great focus in order to get “good luck”. This success depends exclusively on you. You have to bear in mind that God is just a word to appoint the divine force that exists within you. Before thanking God for the things that happened to you, thank you first.

Therefore, to get this you have to keep high thoughts, don’t think or even say negative things about someone else, don’t act in bad faith, such as stealing, killing, cheating etc., and you will get what you really want, as you deserve.

What is “good luck” for? It is exactly to help you in those moments that are crucial in your life. The car that breaks in the middle of a desert road and you get an easy help. You can find that place you want to live exactly that way you wished for. Suddenly it appears that money that you really need. Find that job… Or simply it happens something small, at first, but later you realize that the “good luck” was on your side all the time.

A friend of mine likes to travel abroad a lot to ride his bike. In one of these trips, he was visiting a place, appreciating the monuments, taking pictures when he got back the way on the road. Some minutes later, he realized that he was without his backpack in which there were his documents, including his passport. He didn’t think twice and went back to the place as fast as he could. For his surprise, his backpack was in the same that he left it, with everything inside. It seems silly, but this is a real “good luck”!

Another example happened at the end of 2016. I was cleaning my bedroom when I decided to donate some books. I am not get used to giving my books, because I am crazy about books and I don’t get rid of them even so easily, even if I don’t like the book, but that time I did differently, I gave some of my books to a charity. Some days later, I talked about this to a friend and she said someday it would happen something good to me because of my action. After a couple of weeks, I was surfing on Facebook when I saw some news about “abono salarial”*, and then I decided to check if I had that money and it was there! It wasn’t enough, but it was the money that I really needed at that time and it helped me a lot. You might think that is not a big deal, but this is “good luck”.
We sometimes do something to the others, even it is something small, the Universe understands that you are giving something that you have, and as the Universe is so abundant, it will give you back, sometimes in double exactly that you gave before, or even more. Isn’t this a good luck, too? Of course, it is! However, don’t forget that the opposite is also true. When we get out of the others, we don’t have anything, either.

There is no God distributing blessings. The good that happens to you is the same good that you do. The evil that happens to you is the same evil that you do. Did you understand how the Law of Attraction works now? Did you understand that doesn’t exist bad or good luck?

So, what can I do to have good luck?

  • Never underestimate yourself. You are divine and should always shine.
  • Don’t say, think or write bad things about other people.
  • Do to others what you want them to do for you.
  • Thank for everything you have or happens to you.
  • Pray, pray and pray. Pray for you, for other people and for the planet. A prayer has a wonderful power that can change your whole karma.

And always have in your mind that when we are bad, the others are bad as well and, when you are good, the others are good, too.

What do you prefer?


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